Year 9 Business Plan

The BID has been working with the Board and Theme Groups to create a plan for 2025/2026 that will not only help businesses survive through difficult times but also enhance the overall city experience for those who live, work and visit. Safety and security remain a top priority and we are excited to see how our new partners ASEL bring innovative ideas to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.We seek to work closely with BID members and specific sectors/areas to provide the crucial support they need. New projects will significantly improve the welcome into the city with the aim of increasing footfall and ultimately, spend. Creating character and identity for areas within the city is important to provide a variety of experiences for visitors and new opportunities for independent traders to flourish. This includes supporting the development of East Street, which will complement the recent improvements of Oxford Street and Carlton Place. In the longer term, we will be working closely with the council to deliver the city’s ambitious masterplan, with the aim of attracting increased investment into the city centre.

The cruise business is significant for Southampton, with almost 3million passengers passing through the port every year, of which 200,000 will spend the day here as part of their holiday. Providing a better welcome and orientation with lots to see and do is vital to extend that visitor dwell-time and increase visitor spend.

Read below the priorities for each theme group that we will work to achieve in 2025/2026.