Your BID Levy
On this page you can find information on how your annual BID levy is calculated and how you should pay your bill. Annual levy bills are sent out in March every year with further details. If you have unpaid bills from previous years please pay them when you can, if you need support via a payment plan for previous years please contact us.
The BID Levy is a mandatory charge. It is applied to all non-domestic ratepayers of rated hereditaments* in the GO! Southampton BID Area that have a Rateable Value greater than or equal to £15,000 in the 2010 Valuation list (from 1st April 2010).
From April 2022, the BID levy will be applied to all non-domestic ratepayers of rated hereditaments* in the GO! Southampton BID Area that have a Rateable Value greater than or equal to £19,000 in the 2017 Valuation list.
The BID Levy Payable for the financial year is calculated by:
BID Rateable Value x BID Multiplier x (D/Y)
D is the number of days in a Chargeable Period for which the BID Levy Payer is liable for the daily BID Levy. Y is the number of days in the year.
From 2023 onwards, the rate will be amended on an annual basis in line with inflation. This will not exceed the average annual national Retail Price Index (RPI) or the Consumer Price Index (CPI), whichever is the lower, measured at September in the preceding financial year.
* Hereditament – has the meaning given in the Business Improvement Districts (England) Regulations 2004.
For the periods between 2017/18 to 2021/22, the 2010 Valuation list is used, in relation to 1st April 2010. In the event that there is no such rateable value, the BID will use the first available rateable value of the hereditament in the 2017 Valuation List on the Effective Date.
From April 2022, the 2017 Valuation list will be used for all hereditaments. Where a hereditament falls into the Non-Domestic Rating List after 2017, the hereditament’s most recent rateable value will be used to calculate the BID levy.
The BID Levy is a daily charge. Liability for the daily BID Levy will fall on the occupier of the hereditament on the relevant day. If a hereditament is empty, the liability for the daily BID Levy will fall on the organisation or person entitled to possession on the relevant day. For this purpose, ‘entitled to possession’ shall have the same meaning as under s65 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988.
If on a particular day a BID Levy Payer in respect of a Hereditament is in receipt of NNDR Mandatory Charitable Relief (for non-retail premises only) the BID Levy for that day will be reduced by 80% and such 80% allowance will be applied after first applying any other applicable allowances.
Hereditaments benefiting from Discretionary Rate Relief on their Business Rates account will not have their BID Levy discounted at the same rate.
Occupiers within Westquay, The Marlands, West Quay Retail Park and Studio 144 who are subject to a service charge receive a discount on their BID levy at a rate of 1.46%, compared to 1.56%. This discount will also be applied to occupiers of Mountbatten Retail Park.
The BID Levy for a Chargeable Period must be paid by the due date as shown on the front of your bill from Southampton City Council. This bill will be sent out at the start of each financial year, except for new residents, where bills will be sent out ad-hoc upon move-in.
The BID Levy will be rounded to the nearest penny (NB. £0.005 will be rounded up to £0.01)
BACS: Payments can be made through your bank or building society by quoting Southampton City Council’s bank account details (Lloyds Bank):
Account name: Southampton City Council General Account
Account number: 00332526
Sort Code: 30-00-00Please send a separate remittance advice by email to advising them of the amount and your BID Account Reference to ensure that your payment is correctly allocated.
Telephone Payments: Call 023 8083 3001 to make a payment (up to a maximum of £2,000).
Online: Go to
Have your BID Account Reference and your card details ready when you phone or pay online. Please note for online and telephone payments by credit card a 1.5% surcharge will be added to the transaction.
Any questions regarding your bill and how it has been calculated should be directed to Southampton City Council, GO! Southampton’s collection agent:
Post: Local Taxation Services, Civic Centre, Southampton, SO14 7LY
Telephone: 023 8083 3002
Email: queries on the work of the BID should be directed to the GO! Southampton team:
Post: GO! Southampton, IncuHive Office, 182 High Street, Southampton, SO14 2BY
Telephone: 023 8000 3637