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Managing Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace [Hosted by Mind Solent]

July 07 @ 12:45 to 4:30pm

This training is for BID members and their employees.


Managing Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace
Aimed at line managers, this course increases confidence around talking about Mental Health and Wellbeing at work. Solent Mind will identify the key management behaviours that support staff to be open about their mental health and practical ways to help them.

This session runs for 4hours, including breaks. For up to 16 attendees.

Time: 12:45 to 4:30pm (includes break)
Location: God’s House Tower, Town Quay Road, Southampton SO14 2NY

Vaccination Champions
This course will end with a short informal discussion on vaccination concerns within the workplace.

With thanks to Southampton City Council funding
Many thanks to Southampton City Council’s Stronger Communities Vaccine Champions Team for funding this session.


July 07
12:45 to 4:30pm
GO! Southampton (Hosted by Mind Solent)
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